Keto Diet
July 28, 2022 By admin Off

What is the Keto diet

The ketogenic diet (“keto” in English) is on the rise. Although it is not very well known at the moment, the method is gaining in popularity every day. One of its major advantages is that it is very simple to understand and assimilate. The first step is to reduce carbohydrate intake, i.e. ban sugar, starchy foods, certain vegetables and almost all fruit such as bananas, apples and oranges. At the same time, we’re going to give pride of place to good fats, particularly MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) such as coconut oil or coconut. As far as proteins are concerned, we’ll stick to normal quantities. This means big changes for the body. “With the keto diet, the body changes the fuel it uses to function. Whereas it usually draws on glucose, the digested sugar, here it will use fats called ketone bodies”, explains Magali Walkowicz*. During confinement, why not try this diet, which is a little more comforting than the others. But be careful, only if you don’t suffer from orthorexia, and with the approval of a doctor.

The effect of the Keto diet on the figure

The more sugar you consume, the higher your blood sugar level and the more insulin your body secretes to regulate it. As a result, the excess is stored and weight gain begins. “Since with this method you consume less sugar, this phenomenon does not occur. You can therefore choose to maintain your weight or slim down”, says our dietician. The effects are also felt on the skin: “After a few weeks, we see a reduction in cellulite and water retention, but also less acne and fewer fine lines.

keto diet

The benefits of the Keto diet

Initially created to treat epilepsy, then abandoned with the arrival of certain drugs, the ketogenic diet helps to slow the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. The method can also reverse type 2 diabetes. Moreover, cancer cells love sugar, so they have less to eat on the keto diet.

The specifics of the Keto diet

Although it makes you lose weight quickly, this diet does not ban fatty foods or flavours, two essential criteria that seduce its followers. So the exclusion of certain popular products such as bread, starches and sugar in all its forms does not necessarily put off. As Magali Walkowicz explains: “The advantage is that this method allows the palate to get used to and re-educate itself in about ten days, like a salt-free diet. In fact, you quickly develop new and better eating habits.

Keto Diet

The star ingredients of the Keto diet

The emphasis is on good fats, with coconut oil, olive oil and duck fat, which are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. In terms of omega-3, we opt for small oily fish (less polluted than others), such as sardines, mackerel, cod liver, herring and anchovies. Oilseeds are also a key food. “The important thing is to consume all the varieties of nuts because each one has its own nutritional profile,” says the nutritionist. Lastly, vegetables that are lower in carbohydrates, such as mushrooms, salad and cabbage, are preferred; spices and aromatic herbs, which are low in carbohydrates, are rich in antioxidants and add flavour. “Don’t forget to add salt to your dishes either, as the diet keeps insulin levels very low and the kidneys release more sodium in response. So you have to compensate”, explains Magali Walkowicz. Her tips? Adopt konjac or soya pasta and rice, make vegetable tagliatelle, and replace traditional flour with coconut, flax, almond, lupin or hazelnut flour.

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